Ten Recommendations for the Next British Secretary of State
for Defense

1. Rededicate Britain to the Atlantic Alliance
The U.S. is Britain’s most important ally—no other nation
comes close. The alliance with the U.S. is both bilateral and, through NATO,
multilateral. Because their forces fight alongside each other, interoperability
is vital. Any relationship, commitment, or system of procurement that detracts
from this close and vital relationship is a direct attack on the effectiveness
of both British and American forces. Britain should stand firm against all
EU-led efforts to subordinate the Special Relationship and NATO in all policy
2. Recognize the True Purpose of the Armed Forces
In a democracy, the true purpose of armed forces is not
simply to win wars but to prevent them by deterring adversaries. The argument
that Britain can respond more effectively to the strategic challenges of the
future by denuding its armed forces of supposedly Cold War era capabilities,
and taking a “deterrence dividend” as a result, is a dangerous error that will
lead to weaker forces that are less capable of fulfilling their true purpose.
Britain’s armed forces should remain balanced and continue to hold an effective
nuclear deterrent, not becoming exclusively dedicated to counter-insurgency
3. Demand Appropriate Spending Levels
In 1996, before Tony Blair entered office, Britain was at
peace and spent 2.9 percent of GDP on defense. It is now at war and, in 2008,
spent 2.2 percent. Britain’s armed forces cannot be restored to full health by
further cuts. Yet over the next five years, defense spending is projected to
fall by 6 percent annually.[1] Given the cuts already imposed on the Ministry
of Defense and Britain’s commitment in Afghanistan, this is unacceptable. Over
the next five years, defense spending should rise to at least 2.9 percent of
GDP, thus restoring cuts made since 1996. The first priority for these funds
should be to sustain and increase the strength and effectiveness of the British
4. Recognize That Britain’s Defense Industrial Base Is
No democracy, including the U.S., can supply its forces
entirely with equipment produced at home. The purpose of defense procurement is
simple: to procure equipment for defense. There is nothing wrong with foreign
arms sales that serve Britain’s strategic interests, but the British defense
industry should not be subsidized out of the defense budget simply for the sake
of exports. Doing so would mean less money for the forces themselves. Instead,
Britain should develop and buy efficiently and do so in collaboration with its
closest operational partner.
Last fall, the Gray Report made serious claims about the
cost of inefficiencies in Britain’s procurement process. These claims should be
investigated and appropriate reforms made. But procurement reform is a
perennial issue, and there is no reason to believe that all of the supposed
inefficiencies can be found and eliminated. Britain should not plan its defense
spending on the assumption that future efficiencies will compensate for cuts
6. Conduct a Comprehensive Investigation into Contracting
Out and Other Hidden Liabilities
When carried out efficiently, transparently, and with proper
accounting procedures, contracting out makes sense. But serious questions have
been raised about the value for money delivered by Labour’s use of the Private
Finance Initiative (PFI), and it is clear that PFI has not been properly accounted
for. Nor is the publicly available information on PFI sufficiently transparent
to allow the Commons to carry out its oversight duty. Britain should continue
to contract out but do so responsibly.[2] This investigation into contracting
out should be part of a broader examination of defense’s hidden financial
liabilities, including those resulting from funding arrangements for the war in
7. Reduce the Size and Cost of the Senior Civilian Levels of
the Ministry of Defense

8. Resist International Initiatives That Will Damage
Britain’s Ability to Defend Itself and Its Allies
Britain currently supports international initiatives that
will prove seriously damaging to its defenses as well as its sovereignty. It is
the leading campaigner for the U.N.’s Arms Trade Treaty, which will ultimately
be used to curtail British arms sales to states such as Israel.[4] It is an
advocate of the International Criminal Court, which is now contemplating
defining a “crime of aggression” that would limit Britain’s ability to defend
itself or to cooperate with the U.S.[5] Britain must take a strong stand
against this transnational threat to its defense sovereignty.
9. Foster a Culture of Military Professionalism in the Armed
Forces and the Ministry of Defense
The perception is widespread that the past government
changed both the culture of the armed forces and the Ministry itself by
devaluing the contributions of, and debate among, military professionals. It is
a fact that the British occupation of Basra was a failure. The fate of British
operations in Afghanistan is still in doubt. It may be politically convenient
to emphasize Treasury oversight and a consultant culture instead of informed
military judgment in Britain’s defense establishment, but such an approach is
militarily suicidal. Within the context of civilian control of the forces,
Britain should encourage military professionals to act as professionals.
10. Respect and Foster Commons Oversight
The House of Commons has a central role to play in the
oversight of the Ministry of Defense and of all other ministries. This
oversight will not be pleasant for the Secretary of State for Defense. But the
Secretary nonetheless has an interest in the professional exercise of this
oversight: the Commons embodies the sovereignty of the British people. Commons
oversight should be frequent and sustained, and Defense officials—like all
others—should foster such characteristics. It is noteworthy that few of these
fundamental issues facing Britain’s armed forces have been the subject of
serious inquiry by the House of Commons Defense Select Committee. That neglect
should end.
Immense Challenges Ahead
The challenges facing the next British Secretary of State
for Defense are immense. Of course, defense is only part of the broader problem
of securing Britain, a problem the next government will have to address through
a revised national security strategy. If the forces are to serve their limited
but vital role in this strategy, they, and the broader defense establishment,
should be restored to a central place in the concerns of the government and the
House of Commons as a whole.
[1]Ted R. Bromund, “British Defense Cuts Threaten the
Anglo–American Special Relationship,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No.
2210, November 18, 2008, p. 5, at
[2]Ted R. Bromund, “Contracting Out in Defense: Lessons from
the British Experience for the U.S. and Great Britain,” Heritage Foundation
Backgrounder No. 2278, May 28, 2009, at
[3]Ted R. Bromund, “Something Fishy in the Ministry of
Defense,” The Foundry, January 8, 2010, at
[4]Ted R. Bromund and Steven Groves, “The U.N.’s Arms Trade
Treaty: A Dangerous Multilateral Mistake in the Making,” Heritage Foundation
Backgrounder No. 2309, at
[5]Brett D. Schaefer and Steven Groves, “The U.S. Should Not
Join the International Criminal Court,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No.
2307, August 17, 2009, p. 18, at http://www.heritage.org/Research/Reports/2009/08/Executive-Summary-The-US-Should-Not-Join-the-International-Criminal-Court.
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